...in my head

What God's given me, I give you...


Beyond Demonstration, Unto Revelation!

Genesis 1:1-2
"In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. The earth was..."

I speak to all ignorance of understanding.

God is not contained in the universe, it's the other way around. What caused time was the constellations. But, they will all stop in time. But, God is infinite and He created the constellations. Thus, eternity is just life without constellations. Also, that's what makes the things of God everlasting, if they came from God, they share His nature of being without limitation. His Words are foreverr!! The earth will pass away. The constellations will pass away. But if you're a born again believer in Jesus, "He will not leave your soul in hell..."

We, in our feeble human minds, try to figure out things which are greater than ourselves. We try to "reason" about God's awareness and His existence. Let me tell you something, "He's a very PRESENT help in time of trouble!"

Man's wisdom is foolishness to God and vice versa because a mind that is limited can not understand a God that is limitless.

Therefore, God warns of idolatry and false gods in His perfect Law because they are based on man's understanding. But, faith in the One true God is not according to human effort, but God's reality.

But, God condescended and took on the form of something that was inferior to His supremecy. He took upon flesh! The One without years limited Himself in order to free those others from their limits.

I believe all things are possible through Christ which strengthens me. I can do anything. Why? Because Jesus strengthens me!

What happened when the Limitless limited Himself is that He came with a set goal to take off the limit of you and me.

Pure faith destroy's limits because God will freely move beyond your mind's capacity.

Therefore, the called and chosen, are on a mission to the Land of Promise where there is no Constellations. God, in His wisdom and understanding, takes away the greatest limit to humanity and to this world.


In heaven, there's no sun, nor is there any moons. But, the Lamb is its Light.
Only Day, and never night!
Finally, the salvation plan will be revealed.

It was to get you to where God is. He is the great I AM! NO boundary of time can engulf Him, for only He created it.

He is always ON time because time is subject to Him primarily.

Furthermore, know and understand. "In the beginning..." refers God's creation to man's comprehension. "The earth was..." shows that it had a beginning. Also, it was created by the One who has NO beginning.

The earth WAS and IS but IS NOT to come.
But, GOD WAS and IS and IS TO COME, therefore, although God created everything, everything falls short of His glory.

To all earth lovers and tree huggers, you've set your minds on vanity.

So, to us, He is what He is; Limitless in every aspect.