...in my head

What God's given me, I give you...


Lepers With the Goods

2 Kings 7:9
Then they said to one another, “We are not doing right. This day is a day of good news, and we remain silent. If we wait until morning light, some punishment will come upon us. Now therefore, come, let us go and tell the king’s household.”

We live in a world where it's all about "ME". Everyone's just living life centered around themselves!
All the while, the church has struck gold! The lights stay on, God is still providing for His people in the 21st Century. Though some problems may arise, it is always taken care of. Can't nobody do you like Jesus!

BUT... there is a major problem! We've got everything this world needs, yet we keep it to ourselves at times. We need to snap out of it and realize, "We are not doing right. This day is a day of good news, and we remain silent."

I'm pretty much positive that every single one of us can do better than we are currently doing. What I hear Jesus saying is this: "C'mon, you can do better than that!"

He sees what we're doing and surely, it's not in vane. But, us Apostolics, are still missing something!
Our forefathers had something that we don't... they had a consistency beyond our understanding!

The miracles, signs, and wonders were constant! The book of Acts tells the story in every chapter! Lemme tell you why:

When God does something through us, we get SATISFIED! Then, all that's left is for God to hold back His "stuff".

We gotta wake up! Contentment should happen with the temporal, not the eternal! Lemme be plain, we ought to be satisfied with our pockets, not the power of God!

What the apostles knew is that they were really some messed up people. Our problem is that we get so clouded by God's blessings, that we forget where we came from! Can I say this.... you're just a blood-covered dirtbag! Get over yourself!

Pete a.k.a. Preacher of Pentecost a.k.a. Bold ol' Pete, he remembered where God called him from! Smelly ol' fisherman with a mouth bigger than a toilet bowl! Yeah, Pete, the one that lied to Jesus' face and was a big disgrace at Christ's death. Yupp, God chose Pete! This is the man that laid his hands on folks and they got the Holy Ghost! So powerfully used of God...why? Because, despite all the blessings of God, he still knew that he was just a dirtbag that blood had been poured on.

Here's what I'm saying:
Don't let your success stop you in your service to God and to the people He placed in your life. We're all just some lepers with the goods! Let's spread the goods around folks!

God loves to use the people that know that they're just lepers with the goods! People that know that they're nobody and know that they have something! That's right, get over yourselves and bless someone else!