...in my head

What God's given me, I give you...


Anointing of the Anointed

Many have heard of the story of David in the Bible. It is quite remarkable that his "victories" are not discussed before he was anointed next in line to be King of Israel.

It goes on from the recounting of the lion and the bear. Then, there's Goliath. David came to Goliath in the name of the Lord!

Note: This is not about power, it's about IDENTITY!

A lot of us struggle with many situations but life could be a bit different if we'd just understand something... EVERY time we're faced with trouble.

After being anointed, the kid had some major gut boost. But, somehow, David understood who he would be and had confidence in God!

But one thing David had a good view of was that since he was anointed, the anointing would operate the destiny in the present. God inhabits eternity and grabs your destiny and puts it in your heart now. It is vital for the child of God to know their identity in Christ!

"You are anointed to do as the occasion demands!" as my pastor states.

Many are in an identity crisis! That's the devil's manipulative work.
The devil is aware of the emanating power of the Spirit that dwells in us and he has no chance against it. What he does is remove your awareness of the fact. It is written, "My people are destroyed for the lack of knowledge."

We must dive into the Word of God and view ourselves in that mirror. And with the gained knowledge of our identity, begin to do as the occasions demand!

David was anointed king and his anointing gathered him spoil as a boy, before he became king.
Don't allow the enemy to shove you around and strip away your rights in Christ.

As Saul said to David...
“Go, and the LORD be with you!”_1 Samuel 17:37