...in my head

What God's given me, I give you...


It Doesn't Matter!

Exodus 3:14

And God said to Moses, “I AM WHO I AM.” And He said, “Thus you shall say to the children of Israel, ‘I AM has sent me to you.’”

3.14 is pie.
Once, this "teacher" told me that the Bible has an error. In his so-called zeal, he showed me exactly where it was. It was somewhere in one of the books of Kings. What astonished me about this guy's discovery is that he was so zealous to show me. I thought in my head, what a pitiful guy. I had to laugh.

Now, what he showed me was a measurement that was calculated wrong, according to his "wisdom". In the Bible, it said that the circumference of the body of water was about 3 times as long as the diameter. Now, this teacher said it is 3.14! How rude?

My whole point in giving this brief story is to say this: the teacher gave me a peice of information that is totally irrelevant.


This is what God replied to Moses' complaining. And this is what God says to all of your complaining as well.

"Well, God, what am I to say that You are?"

Let's get a little deeper now. God wanted to use Moses for the freedom of His people. Moses thought way too much. But, Moses' problem was with the identity of this "God". But, God simply answered Moses, "I AM WHO I AM".


Basically, it doesn't matter what you want to call Him. Just know that He is what He is! He can do whatever He said He can do! He is GOD! That's all you need to know in doing what He tells you to do.

Many speak back irrelevant information to God. It doesn't matter what you CAN'T do, just know that HE CAN!

If you're up against the wall, don't worry. It doesn't matter what you want to call God whether good or bad. Just know that His name is JESUS! He'll reveal Himself to whatever you're up against in due time. He is who He is!

Jesus once had an educated discussion with uneducated Jews once. Its recorded in the Gospel of St. John 8:57-58.

Then the Jews said to Him, “You are not yet fifty years old, and have You seen Abraham?”

Jesus said to them, “Most assuredly, I say to you, before Abraham was, I AM.”

Basically, what He told them is don't worry about what you think. You speaked uneducatedly. Just know that He is what He is. He never lied.

Now, in english, God just wants you to know that IT DOESN'T MATTER what your logic or philosophy says. He is still God.

Whether you think it or not, He is still the Master of the Universe!

Whether you like it or not, Jesus is Lord!

Whether your "religion" says it or not, Jesus is Lord, and the Lord is God, and the Lord is One!

Get it in your head! It's not about what you think or what you like, its all about Him!

So, there's three words to take to heart whoever the reader(s) may be...:


God is simply telling you, "Just do whatever I tell you to do and I will see you through and give you the ability to do whatever I tell you to do. I AM WHO I AM."

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