...in my head

What God's given me, I give you...



Genesis 1:2
"The earth was without form, and void; and darkness was on the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God was hovering over the face of the waters."

Talk about empty!

The earth was without form and void. It had no form and it was absolutely empy!

Now, theres a couple of things to note...

1. It was without form.
2. It was void.
3. It was dark.

But, the Spirit of God was hovering on the face of the waters.

God is inexhaustible. He cannot be described. But, you can learn from the second verse in the Bible. But, let's expand a little bit.

What God does, is quite amazing! He takes absolutely nothing and makes the BIGGEST and most GLORIOUS something!

When you put "nothing" in the hands of God and give Him all the "something" you have, you give the best platform for God to perform.

There was once a widow who had two sons. She had no money and the creditors were coming to get her two sons for her unpaid debt. She had "nothing" but a tiny bit of oil. So, she called out to the man of God, which is Elisha, and told him her problem. The prophet replied to her, "Get some empty bottles and watch what God can do for you! Remember, get as much as you can!" So, the woman got her sons to get a whole lot of empty bottles. The bottles were all vacant.

So, the woman starts pouring all that tiny bit of oil into those bottles and the Spirit of God was in her midst. She may not have known, but it was! The miraculous was at work!

She's pouring it all, but its not running out! But, learn this. When there was no more vacant vessels, the oil stopped flowing.

All, that God needs from anyone is a vacant vessel. God doesn't need or want a high class, 5 star, top notch thing to use. All He wants nothing and their something and He's got it all under control!

God made humans out of dirt, the universe out of nothing, and also made a High Class prophet out of a man that couldn't even talk without studdering. Anyone ever heard of Moses? His complaint to God was that he couldn't talk! Most likely, he was smelly and he dwelt with sheep! This guy was once in the Pharaoh's palace but now he's with smelly sheep and he's speaking sheep with them! He's come from filthy rich to filthy poor. This guy is absolutely nothing.

But, God wanted to use this no life dude to lead His people out of Egypt. As everyone knows the story, it was a complete success! God did the miraculous various times through the vacant vessel named Moses.

To conclude, being used of God does not take worthiness. All it takes is nothingness. God takes pleasure in a broken and contrite heart, not a puffed up and proud one. Simply, give your nothing or weaknesses to God and He will show you something and His strength.

God goes around searching for vacant vessels everyday! Trust me, no one can do anything for God unless God does it through them. Let God know that you can't live for Him and that you can't minister. Make yourself available and watch what the Almighty does with nothing!

All it takes is vacancy.

GOD brought forth plagues, parted waters, performed miracles, healed sicknesses, cleansed lepers, brought down walls, won battles, and spoke through a whole bunch of nobodies just like me and you. So, whats the complaint, God can still do it....

Vacancy... is it you?

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