...in my head

What God's given me, I give you...


Mounting Up...

The first five months of this year has had major ups and major downs.
You name the area in life, I got a story in just 5 months!
But, I just got home from an awesome youth service and I truly believe the Lord has spoken once again!
His Word rejuvenates this boy that's typing!
But, as I have freely received, I will freely give... it is only right!
There was one line of Scripture that the Lord has endued me with...

"...they shall mount up with wings as eagles..."

God gave me some silence and opened this up to my understanding!
I thought about it and the Lord showed me exactly what He was telling me!
The eagle is an awesome bird of prey and we can learn from it!
God is saying that those who wait on Him will mount up with wings as eagles!
An eagle uses all opposition as a benefit.
How it uses the winds of the storms to elevate it to a higher level.
The scripture doesn't say FLY, it says MOUNT.
Mount is a verb and the meaning is to CLIMB!
We're climbing up peeps!

Every situation that we deal with! Every trial and all the trauma! The headaches, the heartaches, the pain, and the suffering!

Use it people! Whatever it is that you're going through... what the enemy meant for evil, God meant for good!

The devil is smart in knowledge, but very DUMB at heart! Instead of defeating us, his tactics really suck! You may get us down, but we ain't staying down!

But, this is the Word of the Lord:
"They shall mount up with wings as eagles... yes, all that stuff that you went through and are going through, I'm allowing it for your good. Use it to propel you into your destiny. Use it so you know the difference of good and evil. I'm taking you to a higher place and it takes some storms for you to get here! I am always with you, even to the ends of the earth!"


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