...in my head

What God's given me, I give you...


UnArmed Soldiers

Zeal has power to propel but a lot fail to realize that it can also kill.
While the battle is hot, everyone wants to jump in!
It is true, the believer is on the winning team, but what is often not examined is that all don't make it to the final strand.
To get right down to the point, just because we're in the midst of revival, doesn't mean everyone can just dive into the battle head first.
You have to use caution and pace your zeal.
Zeal is the cloak, not the armor!
It's a foolish move to just dive into battle.
You need to be armed!
This is the problem sometimes with many churches.
All we hear about is ministering, ministering, ministering!
But, what we don't hear a lot is relationship, relationship, relationship!
Your youth group may be poppin'!
You can have it going on in there!
Everything may be on fire!
But, when the fire's over with and its already rained...
Do you find yourself like Elijah?
There's a lot of things that happen in the church house but fade away the next step you take.
My question to you is: Is it still there?
The church don't need people that can shout; but shouting is good!
But, what I learned from my pastor is: "It's not about how high you jump, it's about how you walk when you land."
Without a real, authentic relationship with God, you're just an unarmed soldier.
Yes, baptized in Jesus' name, tongue talkin', born again believer... still an unarmed soldier.
You don't get everything you need when you gather together..
Look here, you get that stuff when you're up close and personal with Jesus!

Listen to this goofball:
If there's anything I do know, focus on Jesus and your life will minister to the crowds.
Focus your attention on Him and everything else will fall into place like dominoes.

God's opening up the heavens and the water mingled with fire is on its way!

The biggest test to the church will be:

I see it all the time! I go to Youth Congress, I go to Youth Convention and everyone is just gettin' it on! They've saved their best outfit for this gathering/event. But, when its back to the real world, at home, things get shaky and they lose what they got.

Your brethren aren't gonna clothe you in the armor, Jesus will.

Desires shouldn't be set on the gifts, the desires should be set on the Giver; JESUS!


  1. SO TRUE!
    keep sharing what God gives you and He'll give you more brother.
    you can prophesy, heal the sick and cast out demons...but if you dont have that intimacy with your maker...
    He'll say "depart, I never KNEW you"

  2. reminded me of asahel too. he was as light of foot as a gizelle, but took his armor off to chase his enemy faster.....and died.

  3. amen bro,
    See when I first got into church and got refilled with the Holy Ghost, I had so much fire and zeal that it took 3 4 years to burn out. But when it burnt out I realized I wasn't in love with Jesus, just with the excitement of having the Holy Ghost! And it IS EXCITING! But when God took the goosebumps and amazing feelings away I was a mess, and had to form a solid relationship with him. Now I can really be a witness!

  4. I've watched this happen so many times it ain't even no joke! What happens when you really don't have the goosebumps. I've learned that God will not always manifest His presence to you. I've had times where I've preached and He withdrew the goosebumps. But, He's still there. There's times when you can't feel Him, but that's cluing that you're on the right track. Get to know Him and then you won't need to base His presence on "feelings" but you base it on "knowing".

  5. Amen...
    I agree with what you are saying Geral...I have witnessed this as well...its interesting how our God can take away the human feelings we have... and show us that its not all about what your body feels..its what our soul tells us He is..our Soul knows when he is present...Our soul knows when he is present.. as we all know the Bible says...he will NEVER leave us...and thats there for us to KNOW....and when God makes a promise... Baby you better believe... he is ganna keep it...We can all hold God... accountable to whatever it is...that he has promised us...and we are to KNOW... he is God.. not FEEL he is God.. cuz feeling and knowing are two totally different things...someone told me to try God...Taste and see that the Lord is Good...When you taste something..you know whether it is good or not I know that my God..is good..Knowing this...makes life just a little bit easier...

  6. Amen, and I do believe that I'm alright with calling "Anonymous" Sis! Correct me if I'm wrong. But, the Bible quote, "Those who KNOW their God shall be strong and they shall do exploits." I've preached on this and lost the crowd. Really, we need to KNOW our God, not just feel Him! Blessed be His Holy and Glorious name!
